My grandfather died when I was only six, so my memories are limited. Among the memories;
1) Riding on a sled he had built over about 2 inches of snow on the capitol grounds circa 1936.
2) Searching the house for him in disbelief when told he had died
3) Memories of other family members – CLO, DAISY And PETER
I spent most of the first few years of my life with Clo, my maternal grandmother. She cooked for me, played canasta and Chinese checkers with me and taught me to love opera and Now I lay me down to sleep . Peter was like an older brother who took me to movies and professional baseball games. Daisy was my paternal grandmother who took care of me when I had chicken pox and dutifully regularly changed my sheets and applied calamine lotion to my sores. In 1976 I was able to visit her birthplace at Willow Grove, Virginia and chat with her still living Smith relative.
Bill Williams III
All the carvings below were once located throughout the Mansbendel home